Goodbye 2020, we will not miss you!

We are leaving 2020 behind, and we are all happy about it. 2020 will always be remembered as the year of COVID-19 (or Corona). It caused so much frustration, fear and instability that is even difficult to put into words. As a little revenge we compiled a list of the funniest memes of 2020. It is our way to say goodbye to 2020 and we wish that year a big “fuck you” from the bottom of our hearts.

Typical cat reaction on people staying home all day
Chuck Norris is wearing a mask, now we can really start worrying!
Oh yes, we remember those times and we miss them… 😀
Covid-safe sex positions for a healthy living
People with glasses can relate
Belgium just keeps being weird as always
Puns anyone?
Believe me, I’m a doctor…
Sad but true, nothing has changed
David after the quarantine
Game of Thrones Corona Edition (aka. Winter is coming)
Wooooh, handsome!
Binge eating has it’s side effects
Eating rests and dressing from the dirty laundry can be an option
Couch and TV are a dangerous combo
The year when toilet paper became more expensive than gold
Third day of Christmas is probably tough for most of us
We all understood what relativity means during the lockdown
Hospitals all over the world were struggling to get masks
Is that the Yeti or my neighbor?
Some countries acted quickly, some (khm, UK) were rather slow
No problem, I can travel in my mind
Be heatlhy, so sports!
It suddenly makes sense to have two ears (sorry Van Gogh!)
Wash your hands like you are washing Jason 🙂
Stages of quarantine
Where’s Waldo social distancing edition
The new alternative currency!